Carmarthenshire County Council
Insight and Participation
Carl Daniels, Senior Sport and Leisure Manager, says: “I can honestly say working with the DataHub has already revolutionised our internal processes in a way no other software system I’ve encountered has. Our DataHug – a process where operators’ data is matched and standardised to allow like-for-like comparison – was a hugely valuable process. It flagged up that data wasn’t always being inputted in the best way and therefore our reporting wasn’t accurate.
“Sport and leisure provider budgets are being squeezed tighter and tighter,” says Daniels. “Using the SVC we have established that seven of our facilities generate approximately £5m in social value every year – much more than we’re being given to run those services. That’s so powerful. In funding bids I’m able to show our exact contribution to health, crime, education and wellbeing and prove to the Council that any extra investment will have a direct impact on the wider community.”

Swim England
Value of Swimming Report 2019
Jamaican Government
National Development Plan