England & Wales Cricket Board
Insight and Participation
The ECB was looking to improve its strategic planning capability across urban areas in England and Wales, and was looking for was a strategic planning consultant that could bring all the data and detail together and present it in easy to understand way that could be used both nationally and by large field-based teams.
Working in close partnership with the ECB, 4GLOBAL created the bespoke ECB Insight platform; a complete audit, analysis and software solution, tracking grass-roots cricket facilities across four key focus areas. It’s used by field-based staff having conversations with local authorities, sports stakeholders discussing provisions and for conversations with local cricket clubs about everything from supply and demand to risk.
4GLOBAL has also been instrumental in helping the ECB with its Urban Cricket Initiative, which is designed to create apex environments for local communities to come and play. 4GLOBAL has provided advisory services, data analysis and evaluation in support of this high-profile investment project work, helping to find innovative ways of creating available space in areas of deficit by analyzing those area’s supply and demand, the potential of particular sites and their long-term viability to fulfill the needs of the community.

RFU Rugby
365 Investment and Facility Strategy
Parkour UK
Strategic Plan