
Anonymised and comparable business information

The ukactive Benchmarking Tool provides you with a free and unique insight into the performance of your facilities against the industry average and other operators.


Performance Benchmarking

Participating operators can compare the performance of their facilities in relation to the following metrics:

  • Attrition rate
  • Total memberships
  • Joiner rates
  • Membership yield
  • Average length of membership

Operators can use facility, date and live member filters to make benchmarks more relevant for their facilities.


Data Upload

  • Operators who are DataHub Club members can trigger automated data uploads from their leisure management system into the DataHub, which are then standardised for accuracy and fed into the ukactive Benchmarking Tool.
  • Operators who are not DataHub Club members yet can either manually enter their data or upload it from a standard excel template into the platform.


  • Gain insight into how the performance of your facilities compares to the industry average and other providers.
  • Analyse your market share and compare trends.
  • Understand participation rates and seasonal impacts.
  • Build a historic database of activity.
  • Track improvements and the impact this software provides