COVID-19: Path to Recovery
As our industry continues in it’s preparations to re-open following COVID-19 lockdown, this resource has been created to provide the latest projections and modelling figures, as part of the on-going effort to equip the sector with accurate and beneficial data and insight. The modelling shown is a summary of the analysis undertaken as part of the COVID-19 Impact Report: The Fitness and Leisure Sector’s Path to Recovery. See the link below to access the full report and analysis.

What has changed from the original dataset used to model the sector recovery?
This is the first set of data to be released as part of the sector recovery modelling, delivered through the joint 4global/ukactive COVID-19: Path to Recovery report, available in the link below. Due to the rapidly changing picture of the lifting of restrictions, customer confidence and potential of further lockdowns, we will provide updates as they happen to the model and reflect them through this page.
Connect to our social media channels for updates, related news and information.
Sector Recovery Projections – Key Statistics
- The expected throughput at the point of reopening is expected to be –59% of the projected level, based on a reopening date of July 4th 2020
- Under restrictions for 6 months, the point at which gym facilities are expected to reach capacity is Week 48 2020 (21 weeks after re-opening)
- Under restrictions for 6 months, the point at which group workout studios are expected to reach capacity is Week 41 2020 (14 weeks after re-opening)
- Under restrictions for 6 months, the point at which swimming facilities are expected to reach capacity is Week 45 2020 (18 weeks after re-opening)
- The expected number of lost visits projected in the year following the start of lockdown is 707 million
- The projected loss of social value as a result of COVID-19, if restrictions last 6 months, is £2.1 billion

This spatial analysis demonstrates how parts of the country will be impacted differently across the UK, based on factors such as deprivation, facility access, demographic profiles and age profiles.