4sight: Week 6 20/11/20
Participation by over 65s following lockdown 1.0 was 12% below the average of other age groups, based on visits to leisure venues. The greatest difference in participation between the 65+ age group and all other age groups was 18% in week of 19th – 25st Oct.
The limited return of the over 65+ age group
The return of the 65+ age group was significantly below the rest of the sector average, following the removal of initial government restrictions on 25th July, when throughput data was compared to the same week in 2019.
Across the first 14 weeks 65+ was around 12% lower than the rest of the sector which reflects the cautious nature of this age group in the current climate. The greatest difference in participation between the 65+ age group and all other age groups was 18% in week of 19th – 25st Oct.
The impact of lockdown 2.0 on this segment of the population is unknown at the moment, however these figures illustrate that once again we may see lower return rates in the older age groups. The long-term implications of this is likely to be significant for the country’s public health.
Popular activities for the returners
The top 5 sports with the highest number of visits in the 65+ age group during October are shown in the table below. It highlights the % each sport made up of the total visits in both 2019 and 2020. A significant increase can be seen in Swimming, which makes up more than a 7% extra share of the total visits.
The sports which have seen the greatest return in 65+ in October, compared to 2019 figures, are Golf, Tennis and General Gym, which all show over 80% return of the visits in October 2019. These are then followed by a variety of Group Workout classes, which also show high return rates in comparison to the overall age group.
All insight is generated from aggregated data in DataHub (www.datahubclub.com), based on a sample of 635 sites.
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