Facilities and Playing Pitch Strategies
We offer a broad mix of services to develop evidence-based planning strategies that enable clients to prioritise their current and future facility investment and development. Data is key. We use sector-leading data, insights and mapping to develop national, regional and local strategies aligned to the latest planning policy and guidelines.

We are a Sport England sport facility design and technical framework partner
Services include:
- National and regional facilities strategy
- Outdoor playing pitch and indoor built facilities strategy
- Sports facility supply and demand modelling
- Open space and green infrastructure strategies
- Geo-Info systems (GIS) mapping and modelling
- Playing pitch strategy online platform development
Being a Sport England sports facility design and technical framework partner has resulted in iconic venues such as the London 2012 Olympic Tennis and Hockey Centre. We have delivered facility strategies for many clients, including the Rugby Football league, Sport Northern Island, Sport Wales and others. We also work with a host of developers and planners.
project RFU Rugby View this

Hastings Council
Playing pitch strategy